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  • Writer's pictureInformed Life

The meaning of life is virtue.

By following each possible logical string to its conclusion, we find that true virtue is always the answer. True virtue, as opposed to virtue signaling, implies an egoless virtue, rather than acts of virtue that are actually selfish in nature.

If God exists and life is a test, our faculties would suggest that good is preferred over evil, and thus pursuit of virtue is our task.

If God exists but we are just one of God’s creations, we essentially come to the same conclusion as a Rational Existentialist. Good is still preferred over evil, and preventing excessive suffering through virtue must be our task.

If God does not exist, what do we do? As covered, Nihilism does not exist:

Thus we end with the Existentialist view. If the Existentialist eliminates the ego enough, they will see that preventing excess suffering has value, and thus virtue remains.

If we are in a simulation, God and the creator of the simulation are the same thing. As we already covered, virtue is still the rationally sound value, whether our creator cares about us or not.

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