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  • Writer's pictureInformed Life

Marketing, propaganda, and AI.

Updated: Apr 8

5,000+ years ago, people were their own rational guide through the world as a means of survival. Almost no information was passed from thought leaders to the individual, so they used their own faculties to guide themselves through the world.


100 to 1,000 years ago, still before widespread interconnectivity was commonplace, we had very few thought leaders in the world. Close followers of these thought leaders helped capture their message and spread only the most significant. The average person was their own rational guide through the world in most aspects.


25 to 100 years ago, marketing exponentially involved itself with our lives. What started as omission progressed to half truths and eventually became outright lies. Rational individuals, despite the influence of the marketers, still largely held that marketing was deceptive. Slowly, these rational individuals fell prey to improved marketing campaigns. There were now millions of thought leaders in the world, and the average person slowly delegated their thinking to them.


25 years ago to today, outright lies have become the main product of thought leaders. Marketers flat out lie, the government flat out lies, and both gaslight us with no remorse. What once were rational individuals have completely delegated their thinking to outside sources.


AI, if we don’t allow the liars to corrupt it, can help us regain our rational understanding of the world. It can help us see through the lies of marketers and propaganda. It will help us regain our value of truth over comfort.

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