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  • Writer's pictureInformed Life

Precognition exists.

Seeing the future is to have awareness of something before it happens.

Prediction is a hypothesis as to what will happen.

When does a hypothesis become awareness?


Imagine on a windy day holding a rock at shoulder height and dropping it into a lake. As you drop it, are you aware of where it will go, or is what happens next merely a hypothesis? Do you not have the foreknowledge that the rock will into the water?


In this simple scenario, you can absolutely see the future, as you have all the limited information you need to have to know exactly what will happen. You know the wind has no real effect on the rock and that information is a red herring, and that gravity is the most important piece of information.


Now imagine holding a feather and dropping it into a lake. Your awareness of where it lands becomes less clear as you will have a tough time anticipating the wind and where it will carry the feather. You can make a prediction, but it will almost certainly not be fully accurate. You lack the ability to filter all the information to see the outcome in this scenario.


Consider what it would take to process all the information in this scenario to gain full awareness. You could set up a few cameras to detect the exact wind pattern. You could run this information through programs that could calculate all the physics going on as the feather will fall. Perhaps AI will help us filter all this information so we can see the future more clearly.


The realization is gathering and processing information is our portal to seeing the future. Prophets of the past were simply immersing themselves in information available to them and making predictions based on them. If they had enough information, they may have even seen the future.

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