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  • Writer's pictureInformed Life

Fuck societal standards - accept yourself.

There are no better or worse immutable traits, there are only traits more or less preferred by society.

The short and tall man each have advantages and disadvantages. The short man is more agile, tends to live longer, and requires less resources to live. The tall man has access to reach, see, and do things that the short man struggles with, and has a greater maximum capacity for physical power. Society may currently prefer the tall man ascetically, but this is simply a social construct. One is not objectively better than the other, they are simply different. Depending on your criteria, you may actually prefer the opposite of what society prefers.

Higher IQ is preferred by society, but with more IQ comes additional burdens:

The person born without legs will have a different life experience, but will have a unique perspective that others cannot even fathom.

Stop getting caught up in jealousy. Stop having “Grass is Greener Syndrome.” Stop wishing for something out of your hands just because society prefers it.

Accept yourself.

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