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  • Writer's pictureInformed Life

Your sole focus should be on execution, not ideas.

When evaluating a company, a work project, or even something like a cryptocurrency, you should be completely focused on the execution of the idea. We find ourselves romanticizing how much potential an idea has, yet we have seen time and time again a competitor come in and do the same idea with better execution.

Ideas that are truly revolutionary are almost never appreciated until years after they are initially presented. Think of all the largest internet companies that had an idea they wanted to pursue, but got caught up in executing it so poorly., Infoseek, Yahoo! Search, and Dogpile are all examples of executions of an idea that were earlier than the current king, Google, by several years. Google was the one who executed it best.

Cryptocurrency is a one of the spaces most subject to this phenomenon of ideas creating so much hype that the execution is forgotten. Think of all the projects selling the potential benefits, with no real competitive advantage that should convince a savvy investor to trust them over a future project that can do the same thing better.

In all areas of life, don't get overinvested in ideas and their potential. Instead, understand that ideas are constant but few have the aptitude to take the idea to the next level. Your due diligence cannot be on the idea alone, it must be on all factors, people, and conflicts in the execution.

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