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My simple and fully redundant Canyoneering system.

Updated: Jul 11

First, I am not an expert, so please do your own research.

Be sure to do your own research. If you are doing a C class canyon, make sure you understand this setup is not optimal for that.

As follows is my fully redundant system, and I am curious to get opinions on this as I have yet to see the system in use.

As you can see in the first image on the left, I have two locked carabiners going through the rope(s) in the belay, created a redundancy at the belay point. If one carabiner were to break, you would be safe.

In the second image on the right, I remove my anchor from the bolt and attach it to the two carabiners, which creates a redundancy system for all the other parts going to my harness. This includes the dog bone extender, the carabiner connecting my harness, and the harness loop itself. We also have a prusik under the belay for a third hand backup. You could, in theory, also run a prusik above belay as well if you really want some more backups.

This leaves the only the rope itself as a failure point. I will take that risk that my rope won't break, but you could also run two single lines in this exact system with two tag lines if you wanted that redundant from cutting as well.

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